Medical regulation

The "Aura" Solution is developped as a Class 2a Medical Device. In order to get the certification, we are working hard in the implementation of a "Startup Adapted" Quality Management System ensuring the global solution meets user expectations and safety requirements along each stage of development. All part of the global solution is developped with a high quality objective (hardware, embedded software, cloud software, documentations, ...). Here are the main norms wich drives our developpements :

  • European reglementation :

    • Directive 93/42/CEE ;
    • ISO 13485 : Quality Management Systems ;
    • IEC 62304 : Software life cycle processes ;
    • IEC 14971 : Medical Device Risk Management ;
    • IEC 60601-1 (and 60601-x) : General Requirements for Safety ;
    • ...
  • FDA reglementation :

    • 510(k) ;
    • ...

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