Aura Devices

The Aura device is weared by the patient and collects plenty of physiological signals which will feed our algorithms in order to provide all Aura services. We can divide our developments into 3 steps which are detailled in the following paragraphs.

Step 1 : Algorithms development (with use of On-Market Devices)

We will use several on-market devices in order to collect all required physiological signals and develop our detection algorithms. These data will be acquired on different voluntary patients and be send to our cloud services.

Step 2 : Aura Device prototyping

During this step, 50 Aura devices will be developped following the final specifications. Because our developments are patient focused, these prototypes will be used by voluntary patients in order to validate its performances, ergonomy, ... Here we will be able to collect physiological signals and to apply a personnalized algorithm in order to classify a situation into a seizure probability scale. During situations where risks are detected, the devices will be able to notify the patient by itself or to communicate alerts to the patient's smartphone. All data collected will be uploaded to the cloud in order to provide smart long-term services.

Step 3 : Aura Device production

Once prototypes validated (incremental process), a first production of 100 initial products will be launch and used for final product certification, clinical tests and first commercial activities.

Aura Device Specification

Here is our goal :

  • Smart Object : Embedded Seizure Monitoring Algorithms, Self-Learning Object with Permanent Improvement Strategy, No-Loss Data Management (no data shall be lost), ...
  • Physiological signals measurements : see Medical background
  • HMI : interactions between device and patient shall be possible (TBD by user needs) ;
  • Connectivity : BLE, USB.
  • Autonomy : > 2 weeks and wireless battery charging through the gateway ;
  • Pricing : Low-cost medical device with budget < 200 euros ;
  • Safety : Developped with safety considerations (state of art of safety devices management) ;
  • Other : waterproof device.

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