Medical background

Monitoring physiological signs

We review the state of the art and we discuss with epilepsy specialists regarding epilepsy seizure surveillance in order to select a set of physiological signs to monitor continuously.

  • Heart rate and Heart rate variability are key data to measure disturbances of the autonomic nervous system, an early sign of epilepsy seizure.[1][2]

  • Electro dermal activity is already use to detect epilepsy seizure[3][4][6]. We also have strong clues that it will be a good sign to anticipate the seizure[5]

  • Skin Dermal Temperature will provide useful informations on the patient activity and environment

  • Body motion will provide useful informations on the patient activity. It is already use to detect abnormal body motion occurring during specific epilepsy seizure[3]

Sensor benchmark

In order to collect patients physiological samples, we set up a dual approach. On a first cohort, we will record physiological informations with top quality trackers.It will allow us to develop a solution for a reasonable price that could be industrialized straight-forward.

On a second cohort, we will record physiological informations with FDA/CE Medical compliant devices. Each prototype will be expensive but will ensure the feasibility of the prediction algorithm on very high quality data.

Here an overview of existing devices on the market:

FDA/CE medical compliant devices:

  • Vital Patch - Vital Connect is a patch that monitors Heart rate, Heart rate variability, skin temperature and activity

  • E4 - Embrace is an armwrist that monitors electro dermal activity, wrist motion and skin temperature

  • Wearable biosensor - Philips Healthcare is a patch that monitors heart rate, heart rate variability, skin temperature and body motion

  • MultiSense - Rhythm Diagnostic System is a patch that monitors heart rate, heart rate variability, skin temperature and body motion

  • Caretaker 4 - Caretaker Medical is an armwrist that monitors heart rate, heart rate variability and skin temperature

Top quality trackers

  • Rythm+ - Scosche is an armwrist that monitors heart rate and heart rate variability

  • Polar - H10 is a torso device that monitors heart rate and heart rate variability

  • edaMove - movisens is a device with two electrods that monitors skin conductance, skin temperature and body motion

  • Moodmetric ring - Moodmetric is a ring that monitors electro dermal activity.


[1] Epileptic Seizure Prediction Based on Multivariate Statistical Process Control of Heart Rate Variability Features, Koichi Fujiwara and al., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 63, NO. 6, JUNE 2016

[2] Prediction of epileptic seizures based on heart rate variability, Soroor Behbahani and al., Technology and Health Care 24 (2016) 795–810

[3]An improved wrist-­worn convulsive seizure detector based on accelerometry and electrodermal activity sensors”, G. Regalia et al. , American Epilepsy Society annual meeting 2015, abs no. 3096, 2015.

[4]A wristband assessment of accelerometry and autonomic activity of epileptic patients, C Caborni and al.

[5] Detecting Seizures and their Autonomic Impact with a Wristband, Rosalind W. Picard,

[6] Automated seizure detection systems and their effectiveness for each type of seizure, A. Ulate-Campos and al., Seizure Volume 40, August 2016, Pages 88-101

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