Global Architecture


We have to consider two differents phases in the Aura Solution lifecycle:

  • training phase: A first short phase where patient physiological data are sent to the Cloud in order to train a machine learning algorithms. The personnalized resulting configuration is then updated on an Aura device embed algorithm.
  • monitoring phase: A second phase where patient physiological data are received by the Aura device embed algorithm and processed without external connection.


The Aura project is an IoT project.

It can be split in 4 main modules:

  • Aura Devices: A serie of autonomous wearable devices that record and tranfert patient physiological data.

  • Aura Mobile application: A smartphone application that allows patients and relatives to be alerted of an upcoming seizure and to interact with Aura Solution.

  • Aura Algorithms: They can be split in 2 categories

    • Learning algorithms which are processing patients data on Cloud during Training phase to set up monitoring algorithms personnalization

    • Monitoring algorithms which are embed in Aura Mobile application/Aura devices to detect in advance upcoming seizures

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